Relapse Prevention for Medication Assisted Treatment & Harm Reduction Clients
CourseThis course examines the unique challenges associated with developing a relapse prevention plan for those clients that are on Medication Assisted Treatment, and/or doing Harm Reduction Program.
The Merging of Faith-Based & Conventional SUD Treatment with The Gorski-CENAPS Model
CourseThis course calls attention to the variances between Faith-Based and Conventional SUD treatment models while showing the benefits of combining specific processes from each model to develop a more comprehensive Bio/Psycho/Social process for clients.
Using The Gorski-CENAPS Model of Relapse Prevention Therapy to Manage Sugar & Processed Food Addictions
CourseIn this course, participants learn about using addiction screening and diagnostic assessment for sugar and processed foods, as well as how to implement relapse prevention in the assessment process.
Working with Mandated and Formerly Incarcerated Clients using Relapse Prevention Counseling
CourseThis course explores how mandated clients require special concentration on specific treatment strategies when confronted with resistance, denial, minimization, and anger; and suggests approaches and strategies that specifically address the issue.