
This Audio/Visual Home Study course is being offered from the 2023 Preventing Relapse Symposium, designed for anyone interested in learning more about Relapse Prevention methods including professional treatment such as counselors, therapists, case managers, and program executives, as well as individuals in personal recovery with the goals of enhancing clinical techniques across all levels of care with proven and practical applications of The Gorski-CENAPS Model of Recovery and Relapse Prevention. It affords you the opportunity of completing the course at your own pace. The cost of this course is $39.00. Participants will earn 1.5 Continuing Education credit hours upon successful completion of this 90-minute course. 


  1. Register for the course. Upon payment, you are automatically enrolled in the course.
  2. Watch the course videos.
  3. Complete the Continuing Education Test by answering the questions included at the end of the course.
  4. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate of completion (emailed and available through your account) with your Continuing Education credits/clock hours.  



If you are a new user your information will be collected at checkout for your account. You will receive a welcome email with the easy steps to get going on your course. Returning users can log in to their account and select the course.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this homestudy course, the participant will be able to:

  • Develop ability to teach patients to minimize how often they enter the craving cycle.

  • Learn an effective way to educate patients regarding physical, psychological, and social set-up behaviors which lead to entering the craving cycle.

  • Develop a thorough understanding of trigger events and the ability to explain them in way patients can understand and avoid them to minimize relapse.

Course Description

A common, though necessary, approach in chemical dependence treatment is teaching recovery tools to be utilized when craving strikes.  However, teaching tools for intentional avoidance of the craving cycle is often overlooked placing patients at unnecessary risk of relapse. This training demonstrates utilization of CBT principles and Gorski-CENAPS relapse prevention skills in aiding patients to proactively deter craving before it occurs.


Course curriculum

    1. About the Content

    2. Course Description

    3. Learning Objectives

    4. About the Instructor

    1. Play the Content

    1. Completion Test

    2. Course Evaluation

About this course

  • $39.00
  • 1.5 CE Credit Hours
  • No additional materials needed

Instructor Bob Tyler

Bob Tyler, BA, LAADC-CA, CADC II, SAP, ACRPS While working in Inpatient, Residential, and Intensive Outpatient levels of care, Bob Tyler has been working in recovery since 1990. He serves as Compliance Officer at L.A. CADA, is owner of Bob Tyler Recovery Services (consulting, CD private practice, public speaking, continuing education), is Past President of CAADAC, and served as faculty at LMU Extension in the Alcohol and Drug Studies Program for over 15 years – Bob also received his BA degree in psychology at LMU. He is due to receive his MS in Psychology in Spring of 2024. He authored the EVVY Award-winning book, Enough Already! A Guide to Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Addiction (Foreword by Terence Gorski) and has produced several educational videos shown in over 1000 treatment centers across the country, including Craving and Relapse (based on the Gorski model of relapse prevention).

Copyright Notice

The information in this course is copyrighted materials of the The CENAPS Corporation and its information providers.  Reproduction or storage of materials retrieved from this service is subject to the U.S.  Copyright Act of 1976, Title 17 U.S.C.  

©Copyright 2023 by The CENAPS Corporation

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America

No portion of this course and materials may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the CENAPS Corporation.